Item Name Description
Profile Name This is the name of the configuration profile. It is uniquely associated with the profile id assigned by GSMLS.
Owner ID Administered by Garden State MLS.
Display Phone The phone number of the broker or agent that will appear in the detail page.
Display Name The name of the broker or agent that will appear in the detail page.
Display Email The e-mail address of the site owner. Lead/Inquires will be sent to this email address.
Office IDs (for Property Matching) Administered by Garden State MLS.
Consultant ID Administered by Garden State MLS.
Server IP Address The IP Address(es) of the servers that are hosting the site. Multiple IP’s should be separated by commas. This value here must be the IP Address where the token request will appear to have originated. If the server is behind a proxy, router, and/or firewall then it is likely NOT to be the IP Address of the server itself. A test script is available that MUST BE RUN VIA A BROWSER ON THE SERVER at[pid]
Framing URL This is the approved URL of the frameset that will be framing the IDX Framing Pages.(This field is administered by Garden State MLS.)
(Token) Expire URL When IDX Framing Pages are idling for a while and get timed-out, the URL entered here will be used to restart the user session. This URL is usually the same as the Framing URL above. However, it could be used to send users to another page, i.e., home page, when the session has expired.
Logo (File) For internal listings (listings belong to the broker who owns the framing site), this file will replace the standard logo representing IDX listings from other brokers have wording of ‘GSMLX’.
Site Type Either Agent or Office. Administered by Garden State MLS.
Status Administered by Garden State MLS.
Allowed Property Types This setting allows brokers to configure their sites to search and display only properties in certain property types.
Counties This setting allows brokers to configure their sites to search and display only properties in certain counties.

Token Security

Each framing server will receive a different token for each session. After a token is generated, it will be used throughout the same session until either the browser session is quit or expired. Different web hosting environment supports a different set of server scripts for requesting and passing the security token. Generally speaking, there are ASP and Perl scripts which are support by most operating system available in the market. To request a security token, it is just like is requesting a page using standard HTTP request. Only requests from authorized servers with the IP addresses in the profile will be valid.

You may test the token generation process by using the following URL. ‘1234’ should be replaced with a unique profile provided by GSMLS.[pid]

The token will be returned in an HTTP response, just as a web page. The token is a long string of alphanumeric characters. This string holds several pieces of encrypted information used by the IDX Framing Application.

Once a requesting server receives a token, it will add it to the URL of the Main IDX search page as a request parameter. The URL should look like:[pid][OE2FF4GJK90DSVM]

Note: The long string of characters following the “&token=” is the encrypted security token received from the token server.

The URL to the initial Framing page with the appended token can be used within a dynamically generated frameset as the source of the frame containing the IDX Framing Application as depicted in the following diagram with corresponding processing steps.

Sample Scripts for Security Token Handling


This simple script example demonstrates how to request, obtain and use a security token from the IDX Framing Pages token server using ASP on Microsoft Windows platform.

geturl ="[PID]"

dim objXML,displayText

Set objXML = Server.CreateObject("MSXML2.ServerXMLHTTP") "GET", geturl, False

objXML.send displayText = objXML.responSetext





<%= displayText%>
<TD width ='20%'>%/TD>
<TD width ='80%'> %iframe src="[PID]&token=<%=displayText%>"
id="resetMember" name="resetMember" width="700" height="500" marginwidth="0" height="0" marginheight="0" align="middle" scrolling="yes">
</iframe> </TD>

Perl (Unix/Linux)

This sample script shows how to request, obtain and use a security token from the IDX Framing Pages token server using Perl on Unix/Linux platform.

#!/usr/bin/perl –w

#LWP::Simple is a module included in the libwww-perl package, and SHOULD be available on most servers running perl for CGI scripting purposes.

use LWP::Simple;
$token = GET("[pid]");
print <<END_of_HTML;

Content-type: text/html
<title>some title</title>
<frameset rows="15%,*">
<frame name="header" target="main" src="">
<frame name="main" src="[pid]&token=$token">



$data = file_get_contents("[PID]",0);
<iframe src='[PID]&token=$data'
id='resetMember' name='resetMember' width='1000' height='500' marginwidth='0' height='0' marginheight='0' align='middle' scrolling='no'>

Send mail to with questions or comments about this web site.
Copyright © Garden State MLS
Last modified: Sept. 9, 2011